Happy Sunday everyone!! 
Today went to Chilla Cup at SetiaWalk Puchong for the 2nd time. The first time was on my last year birthday. That time we had our gathering there just for chit-chatting and did not order any food besides drinks. So this time will be my first time trying out their foods!
I have ordered Caffe Latte. The latte taste sugar-free. I think it suits my taste cause I don't like coffee that taste too sweet. Coffee that have lesser sweet deliver lower calories. Price for this Caffe Latte is RM9.50.
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嗨嗨~~ 大家新年快乐!!
你们的新年过得如何呢?拿了好多红包? =P
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今天是年廿九啦~~ 就是除夕。
Phang's Restaurant 又重新开张啦!!
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昨天去了 Tokyo Kitchen 跟大学朋友聚餐。
我的好朋友 ShiQie 怀孕接近预产期了~~~
为她开心又紧张,她的心情是更兴奋更紧张呢~~~ >_<
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嗨嗨~~ 好久没写部落格了~
最近都好忙,假日都忙着办年货、 血拼、 打扫家。
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Hi everyone! Great day~~
Today want to share with you all a Korean restaurant that I went on last saturday.
산내들 San Nae Deul Korean Restaurant
It is located at Setia Walk , Puchong.
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Shabu Shabu House! A nice place for dining and gathering!
I was invited by my friend to join their review activity. Never knew got such a nice place~
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Last week we went to Bibiwok Nyonya & Thai Cuisine Restaurant for our dinner. My colleague introduced me Steamboat Buffet from Bibiwok when I was headache of finding a place to dinner my bf sister who came all the way from Melaka to KL. So I decided to bring her to there. The restaurant is divided into ala carte section which located at Ground floor and the buffet section at 1st floor. The restaurant is nicely decorate in Thai style with all the statues and paintings.
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这趟去马六甲可以吃到 丰富的火锅 和 饭菜 真是大收获!
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It's weekend everyone!! (⌒3⌒)
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Hello everyone~~
Here I want to update about a restaurant i went on last week - S'Mores
The Sphere, Bangsar South Unit G2, Jalan Kerinchi
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嗨嗨! 大家!
想要跟大家介绍这间 前几天去的Bar-B-Q-Plaza!
我去过几次了~ 可是怎么觉得这次特别好吃?
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今天去了 MidValley Kiku Zakura 菊樱 The Japanese Restaurant!
还记得第一次去是在我 form5 生日那天! 好朋友们和妹妹还有她朋友一起在那儿庆祝!
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I have felt so much better now ~
Thanks to my friends who comfort me~
All these are the challenges that God give to me, just depend on how I OVERCOME it!
Maybe the weather recently is too hot, make me become hot tempered? Who knows~~
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今晚 晚餐 在 一间在Puchong Bandar Puteri 新开的瓦煲鸡饭 用餐!
我们叫了 当然有招牌 瓦煲鸡饭啦,油菜心,瓦煲醉酒鸡汤~ 还有泡了一壶茶~
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呵呵! 在这个放假的开始 3 天里 都做了什么呢??看照片都知道我去吃咯!! 哇哈哈哈哈!!
第一张图是去 Bangsar Nirwana Maju 吃 Banana Leaf 饭咯~
有 黄瓜沙拉,包菜,炸菜,印度虾饼,和 咖喱鸡。
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